Sunday, December 28, 2008
I was wrrr...
So there you go...continue your football-watching marathon.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
You know you're done baking when...
(But just to keep myself on my toes, I decided to spill a half-gallon carton of orange juice on the kitchen floor this morning. Pete made the ever-so-sweet comment that the floor needed mopping anyway...)
And by the way, pray a prayer for my friend Shannon who, today and tomorrow, will be suffering the worst effects of her first round of chemotherapy. And for my little friend Jonas, who is only five months old and in the hospital with labored breathing, the cause of which is still undetermined.
Here are a few pics from the season; everyone be safe and enjoy the holiday! See you, several days.
* J the Sister: don't freak out when you see these pics of the boys making sugar cookies; they were gone in a day. I'm really not sure how that happened...
Saturday, December 20, 2008
"Yep. And they start today!"
Thanks for the warning.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Stop. The. Madness.
The thing is: I don't have to do most of it. They are things I've signed up for, things I want to do. In spite of my husband still ailing from foot surgery. And my nasty head cold. And ugly weather that causes the boys to miss a day of school.
Part of me likes the busy-ness. The hustle-bustle of the season. The feeling of accomplishing a lot in a short amount of time. The "yuuuummm" look on people's faces when they taste something I've baked or made them for Christmas (wait, have I ever made any Christmas gifts?). Finding the right gift, taking the boys to holiday activities, baking...I love all that.
Then a minute later I'm like...why did I need to go to all that trouble? No one is grading me on my Christmas efforts. No sugar cookies this year? D MINUS. That gift wrapping job is mediocre! C Plus. Slaved over a countertop painting meringue snowmen with fondant scarves? A PLUS!
Yeah. Not happening. This year or ever. And yet maybe it does in my own little head. Maybe I'm a little proud of all that baking I did when Alex was only three months old. Or maybe I feel like since I stay home I should get more holiday stuff done (okay, that doesn't make sense even to me).
So anyway, for me it's a constant struggle between doing what I enjoy and simply overdoing the joy. I have to find the happy place that's comfortable.
And allows me to keep my eyes awake during Christmas Eve Mass.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Last minute shopping? No problem!
Anyway, it occurred to me while I was shopping that people will buy anything. Why else would the following items be available:
Racing Nuns -- holy hilarity for only $5.99.
Hug Me pillow -- how much if you want the whole man?
The Ex Five Piece Knife Holder -- with "unique holder." To say the least. There was a day when I would have bought this.
CD Destroyer -- Die, CD! Die! I'd buy one but I have a three-year-old who can also accomplish the task of ruining a CD, and he's free. (By the way, once I found this site, I stopped looking for wacky items people actually buy, since they are all for sale here.)
Ya'll have fun shopping out there...
Overheard: learning Christmas carols
"...let evvv-rry haaart, prepaare HIS rooommm...
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Anniversary of ice storm
Our house was dark for 11 days, during which the boys and I hibernated at my mom's in Hometown about an hour away. I posted a little from there, beginning here. Enjoy the icy blast from the past. And if anyone still needs to buy me a Christmas gift, a built-in generator would be nice.
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
House decorated
But I persevered, and amidst kids and laundry and a laid-up husband, I unwrapped all my decorations and got them in their designated spots on the mantel, etc. Ahhhh, I love it when it's all done and I get to see my Christmas stuff for a few weeks. Every one of my decorations evokes a special memory when I open it, even if it's something I bought for myself. There's the Pier 1 phase I went through in the late '90s, the craft show phase in the late 80's (thank goodness that was short-lived), and the Hallmark phase that...hmmm, still in that one.
The neat thing this year is that unwrapping all the Christmas stuff still seems new for Mickey and Alex. Mickey even said "I can't believe there's so much Christmas in our house!"
I just thought of something: Mickey's four years old. This may be the first Christmas he remembers forever.
That's right, honey...lots of Christmas in our house now and always.
Drink this for instant Christmas spirit
Here's the incredibly simple recipe (and it tastes good no matter how you package it).
1 cup powdered creamer
1 cup powdered hot chocolate mix
2/3 cup instant coffee
½ cup sugar
½ tsp. cinnamon
½ tsp. nutmeg
Mix together in large container and distribute into jars. Instructions attached to jar should read “Mix 3-4 heaping spoonfuls in a mug of hot water.” (For the instructions, I went to the scrapbook store and had them cut cardstock to fit on the lids. I wrote out the instructions in silver ink...hard to see in the photo. Then attached them with double-sided tape.)
Monday, December 08, 2008
Overheard, but not from Mickey or Alex
So during the pre-op the nurse was going through the millions of questions about Pete's health history and everything about his current health. Of course, the subject of his pulmonary embolism came up and then she mentioned, sort of to herself, that he'd "had a bout with it."
At least that's what Pete heard.
What she really said was "when was your last bowel movement?"
To which he said " 2006."
I wish I could say I've been on vacation...
...and trying not to get too overwhelmed with it all.
(Think if I use another one of ... I'd set some kind of record?)
Here's a pic to tide you over until the real content starts back up. It's the boys mocking the Christmas Card Photo experience:
Come to think of it, I have more than one of those. Mickey calls this one "Will. Not. Look. Happy."
And Alex's "Mom, you're scaring me."
Early Merry Christmas, everybody... ... ... ...
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
It's okay to be thankful for little things
Thanksgiving. Tomorrow. Alex and Mickey keep asking Pete and I what we're thankful for and I keep wondering what a good one-word answer would be meaningful to them but not too deep. So the last time I said "Amoxycillin."
And of course this year, and probably for years to come, I'll remember that it's the anniversary of Pete's hospital stay with a pulmonary embolism. Thinking about that situation still makes me shudder just a little. Since then we've had some what-if conversations that are very uncomfortable but necessary and I've also read and heard others' stories who turned out tragic instead of miraculous. And I'm thankful for his recovery all over again.
Then every year I also think about my dear friend from school...who rode home with my sis and from college the day before Thanksgiving circa 1985. I remember how excited she was about going home for the holiday. So much so that she had this weird chant that she repeated over and over...a simple but effective "It's Thanksgiving!" For some reason it has stuck in my mind all these years and my sis and I still utter it from time-to-time and laugh all over again. I'm thankful for such a fond memory!
And the last memory that surfaces every year at this time is from way back, when our family still struggled financially. When I was in elementary school, I remember during the days leading up to Thanksgiving there was an effort to collect money for a needy family in our school. Our teacher passed around a large manila envelope and all the kids would drop in whatever coins they had. Then the teacher would tuck it inside her desk until the next day...up until Thanksgiving.
When school broke for the holiday, I remember seeing that same envelope on my mom's desk at our home.
I remember thinking...what's that doing here, we're not starving! Surely there are families who need this more than us. Thing is, I know we probably DID need that envelope that year. I'm thankful people cared about our family.
So those are the things I think about every year at Thanksgiving. Some insignificant, some monumental...all of them part of my life.
Happy Thanksgiving, ya''s to the big and little things in your lives.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
All I'm saying...
When the Evil Strep has finally done its damage and left, and my throat no longer feels like someone pinching the furthest recesses of my tongue with the strength of Alex, and my jaws don't hurt, and my neck is fully functioning...
I'm going to get a 24 oz. bottle of water. And a straw. And get the bottle of water to the perfect temperature, when it's cold enough to quench your thirst but not so cold it starts hurting before you can finish. Yeah, that temp.
Then I'm going to put the straw in, take a deep breath, and I'm drinking the ENTIRE bottle in one breath.
I may have to blog the ecstasy.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Strep is back
Then my sister tells me that she heard strep can "live" in someone...a carrier. And yet they won't see any strep symptoms. But they are still contagious, which is the reason I got it. I confirmed this phenomenon at the doctor's office today. Nice.
I'm going to bed now.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Thursday, November 13, 2008
I'm glad it wasn't me...
Sunday, November 09, 2008
Self-inflicted pain, but in a good way
And it hurt. It hurt badly. I forgot streets go up and down. I forgot 5k was 3.2 MILES. I forgot I hadn't run a step in months. I was reminded of all these things as the pain began just after the first kilometer marker. What? You mean I have FOUR MORE of these things to go?
There were a few good things: I didn't get a cramp in my side, the shinsplints didn't flare up, my feet didn't ache. I did have trouble breathing, in part because of, um, not having run a step in months, but also because I've been fighting a cold for the last few days.
Other than not being able to breathe, I was good to go. Too bad running requires breathing.
So I was painfully slow compared to my last race five years ago. And as I rounded the last corner of the last kilometer, I was loathe to see the clock and the "4" in the first position of my time. As I neared the finish line, I heard a smattering of applause, but kept my head down and pressed on. Without looking up I knew it was The Moms...the five or six of them who had faithfully stayed until all of us finished. I knew they could have been long gone, but they stayed anyway. My Moms...they are truly priceless.
So now as I write this I can't...really...move too well. But every time I feel the tightness in my legs, the twinges in my quads, I'm reminded that I didn't let my lack of training or my extra weight stop me today. Slowed me down quite a bit, but didn't stop me.
And don't worry, I can breathe now.
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
A cure for what ails me at Christmas time

Tuesday, November 04, 2008
Don't wait until the last minute to vote!
Since I know I don't have to encourage ya'll to vote since you're all fine upstanding citizens, I DO want to encourage you to NOT wait until the last minute. Can you imagine being turned away at 7:01 p.m.? Then you'd be forced to keep your mouth shut for the next four years...the horror!
So get out there as soon as you can and then wear your "I Voted" sticker all day to remind your friends and coworkers. Or your the case may be.
Monday, November 03, 2008
And said writing should spill. Spill out of the writer, good stuff. Not like that last sentence, either. It should feel like thoughts on paper. Writing shouldn't bring anxiety to the writer. It should be like an eloquent speaker speaking, like a star athlete running, like a fine actor bringing you to tears.
But lately the only thing flowing out of this writer is...nothing. Blogging lately has been like driving through a neighborhood full of speed bumps (I seem to remember using that metaphor somewhere lately...hey, it works).
Some days I used to die to get to the keyboard so I could get something down. I would jot notes, mental mostly, about things I wanted to write about. I would stay up late and annoy Pete with the pecking of my keyboard...just to get something down before the thoughts escaped me.
Not so lately. Writer's block seems to have taken up residence here.
So if I'm sparse out here of late, you'll know why. Blogging should be fun and guilt free...and lately it's neither of those things. So I'll spare you the junk and wait until the words flow out of my fingers again...
Hopefully that day isn't too far off.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
(Not) Wordless Wednesday: Halloween '08
I know you think this costume would be so cute if I'd just wear that ruffly collar around my neck. Since my Grandma made the costume for my cousin a few years ago, I'm sure it would mean a lot to her, too...if I'd just wear that collar.
The thing is, mom, that collar creeps me out. I can see it out of the corner of my eye when it's around my neck and it makes me claustrophobic. It might scratch me or rub up against my cheek, or the ribbon might rub my neck. I really can't take that chance, mom. And honestly, I think it makes me look even more like a girl than my long hair (which you are not cutting anytime soon, by the way). I think I was nice enough to let you put some clown cheeks on me with makeup, which in itself is a mystery to me because doesn't it just make me look more girly?
So you will have to settle for the collarless, ruffle-less clown this year. Sorry. At least I let you talk me in to wearing the darn thing.

Monday, October 27, 2008
Last post on purees...promise
Here's what I'm doing today
So ya'll take some time to check it out...and let me know if you win anything!
Thursday, October 23, 2008
You're not alone
So please be patient while they figure their...stuff...out. I'm sure it will be working properly again soon.
It's Thursday. And that's about it.
My goodness! I don't have much to say today but I really need to get that bathtub post further down on the's too disgusting to see on a daily basis. And the tub itself is still disgusting, by the way. Maybe this weekend I'll get to it. Maybe.
So since there's not much else going on here, I will relegate my content to the weather. Last night the temps here in Tulsa dipped down to...well I don't know exactly but it was a chilly 68 degrees in my house this morning. So for the first time this season I dressed the boys in jeans and long-sleeved shirts. And I guess Alex doesn't remember what long sleeves feel like: he kept stretching his arms out like he was trying to get them to scoot up his wrists.
And since the leaves are creeping ever closer to being in full fall bloom, I'm also keeping my camera charged and ready to photograph the boys outdoors; just maybe I'll get a keeper for Christmas cards. There's a park about five minutes from my house that every photographer in town is closely monitoring right now. The very day the leaves get to their peak vibrance, the squirrels will have to move aside for the onslaught of photography sessions. I heard once that the park is so much in demand for commercial photographers that some sort of permit is required to shoot there. Let's hope that doesn't apply to me and my point-and-shoot Canon.
We are also one day from the one-year anniversary of Alex's unplanned dip in a fish pond. Back then I thought, wait till next year. Next year I won't have to worry so much about him running off. He'll listen and he'll stick by me and he'll come when I call him.
(sigh) Maybe next year.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Tackle It Tuesday: CLR Bath and Kitchen
That's my bathroom.
So here's my account. Avert your eyes if dirty tubs make you squirm.
Overheard: cracked up by both boys in one day
"I want to give these to Daddy to take to work."
"Honey, Daddy doesn't really have much room for more stuff at his work..."
"Okay, well, he can just keep them here at home on That black thing."
And with Alex, today we went to a little grocery store that had prominently displayed three little signs, one for Visa, one for MasterCard, and one for Discover.
Alex points to the MasterCard sign:
"Mamma, is that dot com?"
Holy cow.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
I'm so stinkin' tired...
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
"That thing" landed in my mailbox today
No, it is not a "triple digital timer," but a "chinois with pestle and stand." And that's pronounced "sheen-WAH." I gotta say...I don't remember my mom ever using that word in our house. But we had one of these things and I can remember her putting persimmons and other stuff I wouldn't eat through it. And I really have no idea where the puree ended up once she pressed it through this tool.
Did my mom food-deceive our family thirty years ago?
That sneaky woman...
Why I'm not Pioneer Woman
If you read her post, you will think that making your own pumpkin puree is the easiest thing in the world. I still believe it is, unless you're me. And my oven.
Everything was going just fine (with the help of my Curious Georges)...
My little mini-Cuisinart started tripping over large chunks of pumpkin that didn't get cooked through during the roasting process. A little like driving along a smooth highway and then hitting a speed bump. Then another, and another, and another. I had checked the pumpkin to make sure it was soft enough, but apparently I shouldn't have taken the word of just one sneaky piece:
So I figured, well, that's a problem, but not unfixable. I'll just strain the puree through my colander. Riiiiight.
The puree was too thick to fall through the holes. It needed a little coaxing, only I couldn't quite find the right coaxing tool. I was really wishing I had one of those things my mom had (has?) when we were growing up...that thing with the wooden thing that pushes stuff through holes and then it falls down the sides into a bowl. I'm sure you know what I'm talking about.
Anyway, so I tried a rubber spatula to push it through. Effective but slow. I tried pushing a small saucer down over it. Pumpkin smooshed out around the sides. A mess (ya think?). Then I tried a pasta scraper thingie...a bigger mess.
So I looked at Mickey, who was watching the process unravel the whole time, and said "...there's only one more tool I haven't tried..." I turned to the sink and washed my hands WITH SOAP, then dove them into the puree. Messy? Yes. Slow? Yes. Effective? Finally. And entertaining for little boys.
I was left with a bit of a mess...and since the process, started right after breakfast, took a mere three hours longer than I expected, I had to fix the boys lunch amidst it all. That was fun.
But by golly I got my pumpkin puree in little half-cup portions. Which will be consumed by members of my family in one way or another.
So who knows if I'll ever have the courage to try another one of Pioneer Woman's luscious recipes...I may need therapy first.
Updated: Yes, you may purchase one of these half-cup beauties...for $137.50. Each.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Shhh! And let the deception begin...
Over the last few days my kitchen has been in a pureeing frenzy: pumpkin, cauliflower, sweet potatoes, broccoli, spinach, and carrots have all been spun to smoothy goodness in my mini-Cuisinart (the pumpkin was difficult, to say the least, but that's another post).
In fact, the other night I incorporated cauliflower puree into a mac-and-cheese dish I made with boxed pasta, mixed veggies, and kielbasa sausage. It's always been a favorite of Mickey's and Pete's (and Alex is working on his issues with food containing more than one ingredient).
So that night as Pete and I cleared the dishes from dinner, I rattled off my list of upcoming pureeing tricks to him, to which he groans and says, "I don't know if I'm ready for all that..."
He still doesn't know I've already begun the only kind of deception acceptable in a marriage.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Friday, October 10, 2008
The Home Team plays an away game
Thursday, October 09, 2008
Fear not...
However, my bio is out there, so skip on over and read things about me you already know. Something about seeing them on that fancy web site makes them a little more...fancy, don't you think?
Tuesday, October 07, 2008
Sixth folder, sixth picture

Wow, and ain't it a beauty.
It was taken in January of this year at the Great Wolf Lodge in Grapevine, Texas. The boys and I tagged along with Pete on a business trip to the area and took advantage of the indoor water park for a day or so. Rather than risk getting my real camera wet, I purchased a waterproof disposable camera, with which I took this picture. Even though it doesn't show any of my peeps, I wanted a shot of where we spent almost the entire time while we were there.
I think $6.99 camera was a wise purchase, don't you? I know you're marvelling at the photo's detail, the crispness, the vivid color of the...lockers. And notice how the shot shows the contrast of the outdoor wintry mix that was falling (you can't see it? It's there, I swear) and the blue of the 18-inch-deep water. And the moms and dads who look pretty much bored out of their minds...see how the lens captures the skin tones only mid-winter in Texas
So there you have it, Mary and Sara. The challenge is met. I hope my readers survive.
Monday, October 06, 2008
Little things can make your day
"Ma'am, I just got a call from an associate who told me everything on sale was just marked down another 25%..."
While doing housework (what! It happens!) while Mickey played with his toys by himself:
"Mom, is it okay if I organize these?"
I seriously cannot decide which one I'd rather hear more often.
Sunday, October 05, 2008
Is nature too mature for a child?
Thankfully, however, tonight's episode was all about ocean life. The film, even on our not-flat-screen, not-plasma, really-wishing-it-would-die television, was absolutely mesmerizing, to me and to Mickey. Even Alex paused for a nanosecond to watch schools of colorful fish and swimming bunches of snakes (yes, SWIMMING). got interesting. The scene turned to sea lions hoisting themselves up on a beach to acquire a dinner of fresh penguin.
The sealion's teeth went around the penguin's neck and then the thrashing began. I was hoping it would be over in a flash and go back to the little baby whale and its mamma, but the carnage continued for several seconds. I finally turned the channel amid protests from Mickey. He wanted to see the rest of the show in spite of his DVD of Happy Feet sitting on the shelf next to the TV.
So when are little kids mature enough to see examples of the circle of life? At what age is it okay to let them see lions attack a baby water buffalo? 5? 7? 19? Did your kids ever see something similar on TV and get upset over it?
Sigh...yet another parenting issue to ponder, for sure. That, and how to answer him when he asks if the chickens he saw in the petting zoo at the fair are the same kind as the chicken that ends up in nuggets.
Thursday, October 02, 2008
Beginning next Thursday, October 9, I will be a weekly contributer to the blogging section at The site is focused on local issues for moms in the 918 area code here in Oklahoma, which is basically the eastern part of the state.
But of course, we all know that "internet" is synonymous with "everywhere," so even if you're not a 918er, feel free to visit us from time to time (and especially on Thursdays!). The site also has sections, such as the Forums, where moms everywhere can find useful information and chime in on discussions.
At I will be focusing a little more on parenting issues from both a local and global standpoint, and not so much on how I get out of drying dishes. But fear not, I will still be updating this blog whenever the mood strikes.
(And by the way, my ID on 918moms will be Late Bloomin' Mom. But if you think that means I can't hold my own in chasing a toddler through Target, just try me.)
So there's the news: now go check out 918moms!
Stephanie Brings it On
Wednesday, October 01, 2008
The "What's up with you?" post
First things first:
-- This week I found a new way to season my one and only healthy addiction: edamame. Sprinkle on a mixture of equal parts chili powder and Lawry's seasoning. Used it on shelled or not shelled. You shall be amazed.
-- When we went to the fair the other day, the boys (and Pete and I) were captivated by three of these guys. Even the website is fun...
That's it in the what's-up-with-you department. Don't forget, check back for some news around Friday-ish.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Alright, already! I give you...the bangs
Friday, September 26, 2008
Learning your haircut
Anyway, after years without bangs, stuck in a rut with the same ol' style (much like my cooking...hmmm) I sat down in the chair and said "cut me, Tina!" (Based on her blank stare I don't think she got my Rocky reference.) So I explained to her I didn't want some wannabe bangs that would end up getting shoved up into a lazy-tail like the rest of my hair. I wanted to look in the mirror and see something different for once. Some bangs with authority!
So, she cut me all right. To just below my eyebrows. Yikes!
So I came home and stared at them in the mirror. The haircut you come home with from the salon can never count as the real haircut, since you had no hand in fixing it. You have no idea what it's going to do until you get your own hands on it. Which I did. And I still have no idea what it's going to do.
It's been about ten years (15? 20? Who really knows...) since I dealt with bangs and it's obvious I have forgotten everything I ever knew about fixing them. I know one thing: if I pull out my curling iron like I did back then I will get laughed at...and not in a good way. Some people I know may even hit me over the head with it.
So now I'm just left to learn them. And try to do something cool with them like Ashlee Simpson, or Pete Wentz, for that matter. I'd like to Palin-ize them just a little, but without so much pouf. I bet Sarah doesn't stare in the mirror and wonder what hair tool she's feeling particularly skillful with that morning.
I guess I will let them do whatever they will do, and continue to have flashbacks to junior high when I washed my whole head of hair just to get my bangs back to square one so I could fix them all over again.
In the meantime, don't judge me. Don't cock your head sideways and try to figure them out. Just smile and say, to yourself, please..."yeaaah, she's still learning..."
Thursday, September 25, 2008
The other three words we all need to hear
(My first reaction was "It's a good thing you're feeling pretty because it's picture day at school..." I nearly sent a comb with instructions for his wild hair.)
Then I wondered what it would be like if I announced "I feel pretty..." on the days when I'm feeling just the opposite. We all have days when we feel like we got it goin' on. Whether it's a new haircut or a new outfit or maybe the scale was forgiving that day. Doesn't "feeling pretty," even though you know you were the same person yesterday, make you walk a little taller, smile a little more, be just a little friendlier to people?
Who the heck knows what was on Alex's mind when he said that this morning. Could have been the milk he spilled down his shirt and I didn't get on to him. Or maybe that I let him have sugar pellets (otherwise known as sweetened cereal) for breakfast. Whatever it was, it made him feel pretty. As long as he smiles for the camera, I suppose it doesn't really matter...
So tomorrow, when you're hating your hair once again, willing three (or thirty) pounds to be gone, thinking you need to get your teeth whitened, look at the mirror and say "I feel pretty." See if just hearing the words lifts your spirit a little.
If not, Lucky Charms might do the trick...
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
WFMW: Dealing with hospital stays

Anyway, it really made me start thinking about what we went through. I got a crash course in dealing with a husband's unexpected hospital stay and wrote the post below about it. Thought I would share it once again if you haven't been reading my blog for long.
Like the title says, I hope you never need these tips.
(Originally posted December, 2006)
A list I hope you'll never need
A wife can learn a lot when her DH is suddenly awarded a six-night, seven-day trip to a hospital. (And NOT an all-expenses paid trip, I might add.) It was a little different than, say, when I went in to have my babies: we weren't prepared at home with the kids, DH wasn't prepared to be absent from work for that long, and the obvious difference is that it was a very tense situation, not a happy occasion. So I feel compelled to post a list of things I learned when DH recently went on his little trip, and I hope you will never need to remember them:
1. Before you leave for the hospital or as soon as you get there, get a pad of paper and a pen and keep them with you all the time. I didn't do this, and I had six pieces of information written on a ragged 3x3 Post-It. Phone numbers, medical terms, room numbers, etc. You'll get all of this spewed at you in rapid succession and you'll want to remember it.
2. Have someone bring you a sack full of snacks and bottled water to keep in the hospital room, for you and/or the patient. Hospital food gets old very quickly and you won't want to leave his bedside for food anyway. Someone did this for me without my asking and it came in so handy.
3. Grab your cell phone charger.
4. Back to the pad of paper: jot down questions for the docs as you think of them. They talk fast and they spend limited time in your room so you need to make the most of it. It's also good to record any medications they are administering so you can Google them later or ask someone else to. And Google-ing doctors' names is interesting, too.
5. The more machines and/or cords involved in the patient's stay, the more important it is to be there with him all the time. The nurses, as compassionate as they might seem, will not hang around to help the patient get situated after getting up to use the restroom or if he needs to turn over. It's especially hard for them to get comfortable if they've had blood drawn or needle pokes in both arms.
6. You need to make sure you are there when the doctors visit. DH will think he is lucid, but ask him to repeat something the doctor said and you could get a blank stare.
7. Ask questions. The medical staff seemed a little robotic at times with all their procedures and such and soon you will find yourself wondering, "just what was that blood-draw for..."
8. Listen to the people who tell you: "you need to worry about DH and not your kids..." If you know the homefront is covered, allow yourself to focus on being at the hospital. It is hard to do but people really do want to help so you have to let them. It's really the only choice.
9. Speaking of the homefront: ask the people there to keep a phone log of calls so you and the patient can look at it later. Again, this was done without my asking but I so appreciated it.
10. I was wishing for one of those mini voice recorders for remembering what floor of the parking garage I had left my car. There were a few trips winding up and down on foot with my keys trying to follow the sound of my "beeper."
11. Pray with your DH, not just for him.
That's about it. I have been working on this post for awhile and now I'm ready to move on to funner things (shut-up, sometimes non-words work).
*He made a full recovery!
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Trying new recipes: Chicken Pot Pie
Jessica Simpson’s Chicken Pot Pie
One can of Pillsbury Crescent Rolls
Rotisserie chicken, shredded
One can Cream of Chicken soup
One can Cream of Mushroom soup
One cup chicken broth
Separate the crescent rolls into triangles. Place about 1/3 c. chicken on each triangle and wrap the crescent roll around the chicken. It was a little like wrapping a 20 pound baby in a receiving blanket, but it does not have to be pretty because it’s going to be bathing in soup in a minute. Just do the best you can to cover the chicken.
Place the chicken "pillows" in a (sprayed with Pam) 9 x 13 dish. You’ll have eight of them. Mix the soups together and pour over the pillows. Then pour the chicken broth over the whole thing.
Bake at 350 until nice and bubbly.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Honorable? Why thank you!
Ya'll head over there and read the other winners and the submissions. The writing talent on mom blogs continues to amaze me...
Everyone calm down
Put your fears to rest, sistas; I fumbled with "...uh, no, I don't have one..." fully realizing she knew I was lying. No one with a mass of hair like mine goes out in public, a very rainy public, without some sort of weapon for her hair. Now if I'd have had a teeny-tiny purse, maybe. But I carried the behemoth that night so I'm sure she was thinking "yeaaaahhhh, riiiiightttt..."
But thankfully she did not challenge me, and instead provided us details about how much she needed to fix her hair.
I don't know, I think the ball cap was a pretty good start... (ouch!)
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Keen insight from Mickey?
"...did you know the cheetah is the fastest animal?"
"No, I didn't know that."
Then a few seconds later:
"...but I bet Daddy could beat the cheetah."
Kenny Chesney and...who was that again?
Dudes, my friends hooked us up.
"...what to wear, what to wear. Shoot, this Hanes t-shirt still has a few hours left in it. Lemme get my hat. And a necklace!"
The ferocious guards at the entrance to the tent...keeping all the unsavory freebie-seeking characters out.
Could he have at least grabbed the blue hula-hoop?
Okay, now here's where it gets ugly: Leann Rimes, the whole reason I sold my...ahem. The reason Pete was counting the days to the concert? Called in sick. Something -itis. I don't know. I believe he'll be scarred for a while.
Not too sure Pete feels the same way. He's still feeling pretty bluuuu-uuu-uuuu-uuuu-uuu....