My tip tonight is something I read in a parenting magazine or maybe it was a blog, the point is it was a tip I actually read and used AND it WORKED.
To keep little fingers, the just-over-a-year-old kind, from punching the buttons on your TV, go to Walgreen's and buy a plexi-glass picture frame. One of the smaller ones will do. You know the kind I'm talking about: it's frameless and it props up by itself on a tabletop. OK, so you get one of those and...
...turn it on its back so the large part of it is face down flat. Slide this part under your TV as your husband is lifting it a millimeter or so high but acting like he is Hercules with The World on his back. Have Herc set it down so that the only thing showing is the short part of the frame, which is beautifully positioned in front of the buttons on your TV.
Yuck, I am thinking this WFMW is going to require a picture, which I don't have. And which would take me too long to accomplish at this late hour and I still need to waste some more time online and get this tip on Shannon's site before Thursday.
So visualize, people, and try it if your little ones like to turn off American Idol in the middle of Simon's latest barb or Ryan Seacrest's "out."
For more, and better and probably more useful tips, go to Shannon's and knock yourself out.