Carson and Cooper are playing baseball. Coach pitch and T-ball, respectively. But don't think they don't take it just as seriously as big leaguers.
Coop. Really a pretty effective spectator at his brother's games.
Carson at third base. Those socks are two inches thick and more suitable for mountain climbing in the Himalayas than baseball in Tulsa. I don't make him wear them anymore.
Last minute batting instructions. Coaches at this level must have saved up Patience all their lives to do this (voluntary!) job.
Carson doesn't know how to walk anywhere on a baseball field.
Made it to second. I can't wait for him to steal a base!
Cooper's in T-ball. He chases the ball no matter what position he's in. Come to think of it, they're not really particular about positions in T-ball.
When do kids learn they're all on the same team?
My great-nephew Stetson. No, he's not a baseball player, but he deserves to have his photo here. Just because.