Wednesday, December 24, 2008

You know you're done baking when...

...your socks stick to the kitchen floor. Ya'll will be happy to know I ended my Grinch-dom about being overwhelmed with Christmas preparations. And even though I didn't get to the day-long process of making sugar cookies *...which a certain sister of mine may never forget, I am ready for the holiday and ready for Santa's sleigh to land on our rooftop.

(But just to keep myself on my toes, I decided to spill a half-gallon carton of orange juice on the kitchen floor this morning. Pete made the ever-so-sweet comment that the floor needed mopping anyway...)

And by the way, pray a prayer for my friend Shannon who, today and tomorrow, will be suffering the worst effects of her first round of chemotherapy. And for my little friend Jonas, who is only five months old and in the hospital with labored breathing, the cause of which is still undetermined.

Here are a few pics from the season; everyone be safe and enjoy the holiday! See you, several days.

* J the Sister: don't freak out when you see these pics of the boys making sugar cookies; they were gone in a day. I'm really not sure how that happened...


Anonymous said...

Christine, you are such a good Mom!They will want to do this every Christmas. My girls decorated sugar cookies today and I didn't have to do anything. It was just fun watching them.

I will be praying for your 2 friends.

Totallyscrappy said...

Definitely stop when you are stuck to the floor!!
Prayers for your two friends...