A few weeks ago I entered a caption contest on abcnews.com for the Nightline program. Lo and behold, I
won the darn thing. So for all my sweating over just the right 20-words-or-less, I have finally been rewarded with this beauty:

You will notice it sits atop my jewelry box. Yes, I do consider it a treasure. Go ahead, leave me a comment about how jealous you are.
Nightline ... I remember when it started. Back in '80 when I was about to become a mom. Spent lots of nights staying up with Ted and the newborn.
Great hat for a mother of young kids!
Forgot my signature but I think I'm ...
Can I borrow that hat for Florida?
Very spiffy hat, Christine. Do you feel like you have to watch Nightline now?
"Can I borrow that hat for Florida?"
Not if I get to it first, RJL.
Girls, don't you think relatives of Christine who are actually members of The Working Press should have first dibs on borrowing the hat?
I knew you were a talented girl. I just want "more of the story"... tell me...oh and did I mention we used to be roomates.... :)
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