For the past six months Alex has confounded us with taking his diaper off at very inopportune times, especially after we put him down at night. And so many times I'd like to let him roam the house in just a T-shirt and diaper, but inevitably I hear the rip and rip of the diaper tabs and then the chase is on. I hadn't yet resorted to duct tape...
Then the other day I was talking about my dilemma with a mom-friend and she said she used to turn their daughter's diapers around and it worked great for her. It has worked beautifully for us, too.
Diaper reversal Works for Me! For more tips that will change your life, visit Shannon at Rocks in My Dryer.
I had heard of doing this, but forgot about it. After my dd recent poocasso adventures, I ought to try it. Thanks!
Great tip. Our daughter had been removing her diaper, but has stopped. I'll remember this if she starts back up again. Thanks!
Brandy of The Building Brows
Oh, the memories your post brought back! I once used surgical tape to tape my son into his diaper. I just couldn't bear dealing with one more poopy mess when he put his hand down his pants at the worst possible moment! Great idea--my baby girl has just learned that pulling her diaper off gets a crazyfun response out of Mommy! Wonder why?
That is an awesome idea! I haven't run into this problem yet, but I know I will and I so grateful for a game plan ahead of time!
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