Sunday, January 18, 2009


Takin' a breather here in Brooklyn at my niece's apartment...a roomy affair of about 1000 square feet. Roomy until you consider she has three roommates. Nonetheless, it's cozy and has sofas so Brit is my favorite niece right now.

What we're really doing is watching the movie Chicago, after having seen the real thing on Broadway last night. The real Broadway. Not like the one street you probably have in your hometown, unless that hometown happens to be in New York City.

I promise to write more details when I get home and get caught up on hugs and kisses from my three boys. Until then, suffice it to say I'm having an incredible time with two sisters and two nieces...and ten million or so New Yorkers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, what'd I miss? What other sister is with you? I know it's not me.

Can't wait to see some pictures, hope you all are staying warm.